Environment Variables

None of these vars is required by themselves but you need to set a few of them to create a functioning bot.

Environment variable Descpription Default
NODE_ENV test, dev and production 'dev'
DEBUG To run in debug mode or not false
DEAFULT_LANGUAGE (ISO 639-1 Code) The language you want the bot to communicate in. 'en'
HOST_PORT (docker) Container port in the host undefined
APP_PORT (docker) App port in the container 3000
PORT Port that your bot is listening on. If in docker APP_PORT = PORT 3000
ONA_USERNAME Ona user or organization username undefined
ONA_FORM_IDS JSON Object of Ona form ID strings. We use it to identify the form to make submissins to. {}
ONA_API_TOKEN API token provided by Ona. Required if sending data to Ona. undefined
RAPIDPRO_API_TOKEN API token provided by Rapidpro. Required if creating or updating RapidPro contacts. undefined
RAPIDPRO_GROUPS JSON Object of keys to Rapidpro group UUIDs that your users should be added to {}
DELETED_USER_RAPIDPRO_GROUPS JSON Object of keys to Rapidpro group UUIDs that your users should be moved to {}
SENTRY_DSN DSN provided by Sentry undefined
ACCESS_LOG_FILE File to store access logs bot.access.log
DEBUG_TRANSLATIONS Whether to turn off or on translations debugging false
TRANSLATIONS_DIR Path to the dir holding the translations files. './translations'
FACEBOOK_VERIFY_TOKEN Token used to verify your app to the webhooks endpoint listens on /facebook/recieve 'borq'
FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET Facebook provided app secret. Required for Messenger. undefined
FACEBOOK_API_HOST Set the api_host. In testing in any other env undefined undefined or
CONVERSATION_TIMEOUT Time to wait for a user to respond (in milliseconds). 60000 * 20 (20 mins)
FACEBOOK_PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN Facebook provided token needed to post as a page. Required for Messenger. undefined
FACEBOOK_API_VERSION The version of the facebook API to use when making Facebook API calls. 'v2.10'
GRAYLOG_HOST Graylog server address 'localhost'
GRAYLOG_PORT Graylog server port 12201
FACILITY Application or container specific identifying string 'localhost'
HOSTNAME The name of the host 'borq'


$ export DELETED_USER_RAPIDPRO_GROUPS="{\"del\": \"l0ng-gr0up-n4m3-uu1d\"}"
$ export RAPIDPRO_GROUPS="{\"ind\": \"l0ng-gr0up-n4m3-uu1d\", \"por\": \"l0ng-gr0up-n4m3-uu1d\", \"default\": \"l0ng-gr0up-n4m3-uu1d\"}"
$ export ONA_FORM_IDS="{\"caregiverKnowledge\": \"aKRKGasdcr343434vPN\", \"FCI\": \"FCI\", \"srq20 \": \"arfwer333423we\"}"